Quality Service
Highly skilled and experienced staff, which blends chartering abilities with management and operational logistics, has as a main task to offer a trustworthy partner for Owners and Cargo Interests.
We focus on the Dry Cargo market segment and in sizes ranging from 5000 to 35000 tons deadweight.
Covered by first Class Protection and Indemnity Club (The London P&I Club), enjoying a strong financial position supported by a group of well known Shipowners and Managers as business partners and working with First Class Owners and Clients, GRANOACERO aims to be included in the list of most reputable and reliable performers in the field of Maritime transport.
Get in touch
15, I. Ralli Str., Voula 16673, Greece
Tel: +30 210 968 9999
FOR CHARTERING/POST FIXING: chartering@granoacero.com
FOR CARGOES CIRCULATION: cargoes@granoacero.com
FOR VESSELS' POSITIONS: vessels@granoacero.com